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Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Buns, Rats, and Good Folk

The set of Bunratty Castle and The Folk Park are quite exquisite. This is the first Irish built castle and first stone Castle to ever exist in Ireland, having been built in 1425. the castle was originally owned by the O'Brien's, and then by the Macklemore’s, and then by Lord Court, who was a Viscount in the area. All three of these ruling families helped enforce sovereignty over the people that lived in the village below.

A little view of the cathedral!

The fields surrounding the castle.

There were also cottages that were moved and reconstructed during the potato famine. some of these facilities include the Doctors House, an artisan shop, a pub, a tapestry artist, a printing press company, a post office, a grocery store, and a bar. Other facilities include a tea room, is School House, a landlord house, a farmhouse, a slave labour lodge, a few sheds, a blacksmith’s Forge, and a royal family house.

The O'Brien's submitted to King Henry the 8th originally. Although the king was the Ultimate ruler, the ones in charge of their individual kingdom claimed the most power.

A lot of chests and cabinets in this area dig back to the 1500, and it is a beautiful area to walk around by and by. There's plenty of shopping to do, people to see and talk to, and a site to explore. And, it's not far from two major cities.

This is one of several refurbished castles around Ireland. Check out more as you are able to for yourself. There are many words and no regrets.

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