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Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Cappa Villa

When I went with perform International to Dublin and Limerick Ireland, I really didn't know what to expect. I just knew that I would be walking around the Campus while jet-lagged and experiencing the Campus as much as I could. For more information on how I cope with jet lag, look here.

What I did find, though, was the beautiful campus of the University of Limerick. Here's a bit more about the experience I had!

Otherwise, we had landed and checked into our dorm rooms. The Cappavilla village contained single apartments with plenty of space to set up amenities and make home. Though there was no air conditioning, and it was unusually warm when we arrived, it was still very worth the stay on this beautiful campus. The campus buildings themselves were gorgeous.

Halfway through campus is the Pavilion, which openly serves alcohol, an amenity not otherwise seen in America. beyond that is the Living Bridge, a bridge that is suspended over a small river and has lots of plants and wildlife. This leads to the other side of campus, which is equally large. There is so much to see and do at the University of Limerick, and there are also a ton of food options. The people of this city truly treat you like family here. Come stay awhile! If you can land a gig in the dorm rooms for cheap, do it - just remember a portable fan and a few jackets.

much more adventures will be posted soon!

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