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Thursday, November 1, 2018

Run like the Tarahumara

RarĂ¡muri, also known as the Tarahumara tribe drama descended from the Mongollan (Uto-Aztecan) culture after 300 ad and descended into the Canyons of Chihuahua, Mexico, in the 1400s after the Conquistadors came. they quickly found their Nish as Trail runners and Messengers between tribes in different parts of the valleys and canyons, author name translates to tribe of the running feet. The average cross-country athlete trains 50 km a day and is in pain and Agony afterwards. The people of the Tarahumara tribe find Blissful joy and running, are always smiling when they are competing in there long distance races Tama and can train up to a hundred kilometers per day without injury or pain. with myself being an avid hiker, this long distance endurance thing really appeals to me personally, and so I decided to look further into it. I watched a few miniature documentaries Chelsea what they were doing differently compared to the rest of the world. here's what I noticed:

1) They were either flimsy running sandals or Nothing at All.

The Tarahumara believe in grounding, which means getting positive ions from the surface of the Earth as they run. Studies have been done to show the barefoot running improves body circulation and reduce the stress levels. Of course, being somebody that has run their foot on gravel before, I can't imagine running Barefoot through the woods or rocky Canyons should be all that comfortable. however, it is something that we should try, as it is part of their success and their happiness and overall well-being.

2) They are strictly nose breathers.

They take long breaths in, long drags out, and do it almost exclusively through their nasal passage. Their mouth is used instead for smiling, which I will get to in just a second.

By going against the grain of "in through the nose, out through the mouth", you allow more nitric oxide to build up in your nose, which boost your energy and testosterone levels, and allows anaerobic respiration to take place in your body, which will process toxins in your fat cells more. Strictly nose breathing during intense exercise and depriving the body of excess oxygen is quite similar to altitude training. And for an even better workout, you can cover your face with a surgical mask or cloth, which will allow even less oxygen in. Carbon dioxide is not the enemy here.

3) They find joy in running.

Running is their lifeblood, and they always look forward to their daily exercise. Instead of meeting it with Agony, they meet it with a smile. As they pass other trail runners, they are smiling and carrying on. Similarly, they travel light and are ready to break into a run or adventure at any time.

4) Group participation is key.

Studies show that running as part of a group not only promotes Esprit de corps, but boosts your engagement levels as well. The Tarahumara tribe always runs as part of a group, because they believe then no race and life is ever run for sole proprietorship.

5) let your heels heal.

Even though they do quite a good bit of running, they never run using their heels of their feet. Instead, they bounce in a Spring Lake motion off of the balls and front part of their feet, which continuously propels them forward with minimal effort and injury. When studying this foot strike, researchers soon learned that it was an essential part of maintaining Wellness whilst out on the trails running. stepping on the hill and rolling the foot and traces strain in the lower back and the ankles, whereas using only the balls of their feet about full impact and transfer of energy between the ground in the foot.

6) Waste no time or energy.

In both running and field work, the Tarahumara believe in the conservation of energy. When they are running very long distances with no breaks all day long with minimal calories, every single bit of energy intake and output matters. As soon as break time is called, all of them immediately sit down and rest. When they are running, they're keeping a steady pace, as it allows the most consistent burn of energy.

7) Go hard.

The Tarahumara are hard workers, always brewing homemade corn beer like tecate or tesguino, and find no shame in their culture of beer and work. although they remain poor financially, they are rich in soul and life simple, steadfast lives. They worked, farmed, ran, and partied hard, and still never looked beat after a 50 mile race.

At the end of the day, this is a tribe of incredible super humans that are very gifted in the art of long-distance travel and running. Individuals of any age and exercise backgrounds can take something away from their way of life in their approach to getting things done.

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