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Friday, November 16, 2018

Why I Hike

I've talked about travel. I've talked about housing; I've talked about a lot of different places I've been. But now, even more so than when I did my Boy Scout post, I feel obligated to make a post describing the top 5 reasons why I hike. Hiking, or glorified trail walking, is an activity that used to be essential for survival. With modern technology and conveniences, is become a long-lost art to too many people. However, there are still others amongst us who enjoy the act of hiking. Here is why I do it.

1) You are constantly experiencing new environments.

When you are out there hiking, you're constantly being exposed to many different types of terrain at any given point in time. It really challenges your physical and mental limits. Not only have that, but everybody’s body reacts differently to different climates and environments. When you're out in wilderness, anything can happen, and it teaches you to be engaging in your surroundings and to be completely present in whatever task you are doing.

2) It keeps you in shape.

This obviously depends on the frequency of what you go hiking, but in general, let it be known that it is a great cardiovascular activity. Even for the infrequent hiker, it is still a good break from utilizing the treadmill, jogging the neighborhood, or of course, from being a couch potato. You really learned to utilize every muscle in your body to its Advantage as you scale steep terrains, go for miles on end without stopping, and put yourself at the mercy of Mother Nature. And eventually, with perseverance and practice, you might just become like the guy that I saw sprinting up and down the Shenandoah mountain range, trail running an average of 10 miles every day.

3) You get away from Modern conveniences.

It is the 21st century. We currently live in a world marred by technology that lives around every single corner. Regardless of creed, personal agenda, or any other opinion, it is generally agreeable that too much technology can be detrimental to one's well-being. After all, none of our settlers had iPods or cell phones. Although this deficit of Technology may be startling to some, two others, it is sacred. You get to experience life without modern conveniences, which in and of itself can teach people if thankfulness for all of life's little things that otherwise wouldn't be mentioned.

4) You get a huge system detox.

Having been around patients on concentrated oxygen through nasal cannula, I can firmly attached that nothing beats Fresh Air pump to straight from the trees and the clouds. You also get a huge vitamin D boost, and read your bodies of impurities while sweating out toxins on the trail. Take Along some trail mix filled with antioxidant berries, pack some leafy greens, drink a cup of green tea, and you've got it made.

5) You will never see these sites or meet these people hiding inside your house.

I have met so many wonderful people just by saying hello on the hiking trail or in a Pit Stop Restaurant. You’ll never know what you’ll find, and when you might find it.

This is a short list, but a comprehensive one. So what are you waiting for? Strap on your boots and hit the dirt highway!

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