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Thursday, June 21, 2018

My Mission Statement and Ambition

Hello dear readers, one and all.

As you read some of my blog content in the next coming days, weeks, and Dearest, it may occur to you that I attempted to do a lot of outlandish stuff.

It occurred to me that I do some pretty outlandish stuff. Things that most people don't think of doing on an average basis. And I'm perfectly okay with that. I like that, and I live for that.

This post is to share a bit of my ambition and my mission statement, now that you've gotten to know a bit more about me through my first couple of posts.

I am a broke college graduate, looking to find the most sustainable way to travel, and to do so whenever I have even the slightest bit of pocket change.

My intent is to share stories to inspire the community that reads them, and to inspire people to get outside and do more. My boy scout troop put the out in scouting, and that is exactly what I have grown to live for.

My ambition is to see as much of the world as humanly possible in my short life. Being born in the
United States, and being born Male, my prescribed life expectancy is roughly 78 years of age. Given that I was 23 at the time of writing this post, that means I had approximately 55 years left to explore.

My mission statement is to right the world through dialogue, search for peace from within, and to help tear down walls that have divided us for so long. The easiest way I know how to do that is to write, to speak up, and to put myself out there.

Whether I am working with patients, performing on stage, speaking in public, or privately working on writing new music and literature, my end goal will always remain the same. My end goal is to prove to myself, and eventually to others, that anything is possible if you believe in yourself first.

As hominids, as Earthlings, we learn and grow and inspire every single day. When we stop doing this, then we have ceased to function and live. I will share what I learned in the only ways that I know how, as excessively to the public as possible.

Life is a journey. Where is your destination, and what roads will you take?

Taken near the Potomac River.

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