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Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Healthy Vegetarian Soup!

Growing up, I was a huge fan of Legend of Zelda. I remember buying the GameCube specifically to play The Legend of Zelda the Windwaker. I was so excited to get this game, and then when I discovered the elixir so the Grandma makes halfway through the game, I nearly fell in love. So, after drawing some inspiration from the internet, I absolutely had to make my own version of the recipe.
I can't guarantee that this soup will overcharge your master sword with Godly energy, or that it will completely restore your health in Magic points, but it will definitely restore your ability to focus and give you a very healthy serving of vegetables.
and so without further Ado, here's how I make it!

The Finished Product!

You will need:
One tablespoon olive oil
Two tbsp. liquid aminos
Three cloves of garlic, minced
1/2 of a large yellow onion, diced
One teaspoon each of basil and Thyme
1/2 teaspoon of Ginger paste, or 1tsp freshly ground ginger
1/2 teaspoon cayenne pepper
Two ribs of celery, chopped
Two large carrots, chopped
One medium sized turnip, peeled and chopped
One medium sized sweet potato, dice
One medium sized red potato, diced
One small yellow squash, chopped
One small green squash, chopped
Two parsnips, chopped*
Two teaspoons turmeric
1/2 teaspoon chili powder
1/4 cup shelled pumpkin seeds
About 4-5 cups vegetable stock, enough to cover the vegetables
One cup water
One bay leaf
Chives and parsley, to garnish

How it’s done:
1) In a large pot, add olive oil and bring to medium heat. Add onion, garlic, ginger, basil, thyme, and carrot, and sautéed until vegetables start to soften.
2) Add the celery, turnip, parsnips, cayenne, and liquid amino acids, and sauté over medium-high heat until the turnips start to soften and change color.
3) Add potatoes and squash, and then the vegetable broth. Bring to a boil, for about 2 minutes. Add the turmeric, bay leaf, and pumpkin seeds.
4) Bring to a simmer for about 30 minutes or until all of the vegetables have become soft and tender.
5) When your soup cool for about 30 minutes, and then freaked out the food processor. This soup is traditionally pureed, so nix the bay leaf and puree the soup until it has a creamy consistency.
6) Put into a container to store for later, or divide your soup into bowls and apply the garnishes of parsley and chives.
And now, you're hearty and healthy soup is ready to enjoy! The nice thing about this soup is that you can either drink it out of a cup or you can enjoy it in a bowl. You could, in theory, enjoy it cold like gazpacho, or heat it up over stove top or in the microwave. Either way around, enjoy your soup and Revitalize yourself!
*the biggest thing to mention here is that you want a fairly equal representation of each vegetable in the soup. So if you see that there is more of one vegetable than the other one is all chopped up and ready to throw in the pot, remove some of that vegetable. Save it for later use.

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