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Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Down to Texas, On My Own

I am not a morning person, nor will I ever be. However, there's nothing quite as incredible as watching the morning sunrise on the beginning of a beautiful day on a beautiful trip. Groggily, I woke up at 5 a.m. after proximity four and a half hours of sleep, ate some morning granola, grabbed some frozen coffee from the local gas station, and headed to the local airport for a departure for Dallas Texas.

This was my first airport excursion that I took completely on my own. No companions to travel with, nobody to talk to; just me and my wits. Although anxious throughout the parking and airport ordeals, I made it nonetheless. My Neuroticism didn't quite take the mickey of me this day, even with the security setback of forgetting that my card knife was still in my wallet.

I skimmed a few books in the airport store, absorbing ideas for forest therapy, meditation, successful mindset establishment, and how to wander from society. All of these ideas appealed to me quite a lot. I ordered and chuhged a Starbucks pink drink, then boarded the plane.

There were two women in front of me at Starbucks, and they also happened to be my seatmates. Our interactions were limited, as I am not fluent in French. However, our brief conversations were still incredibly enjoyable, as I learned that they were from Cameroon originally and had moved to Maryland from there. On Spirit Airlines, when I bought a coffee, i was told that I could get more than one cup of coffee for no extra cost. So of course, that's exactly what I did. The two bathrooms in the back were also actually incredibly spacious as well.

One short flight later, I was as far South and West as I may have ever been - DFW airport in Texas. It was a 75°F and windy kind of day in the middle of May, and I would be staying for 5 days with my best friend from Elementary school up. We packed my bags into his car and departed for a short tour of the city. 

McKinley Avenue

Reunion Tower.

I will go into more detail in days to come, as there is so much to see and do down here just walking around. Great pizza, beautiful people, gas station horchata, and two huge malls, as well as lots of museums that shall be visited in days to come.

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