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Monday, December 10, 2018

Mount Davis and Sideling Hill

When I decided I was going to start hiking state highpoints, it made sense for my home state to be the first one to be hiked. And so, that's exactly what my hiking partner Travis and I did. From my house, the trail was about a 3-hour drive oh way, towards Pittsburgh. Since it's it's along the Maryland and Pennsylvania line, we crossed into Maryland a couple of times. from my house the trail was about a3 hour drive away towards Pittsburgh since its it's a long the Maryland didn't Pennsylvania line be crossed into Maryland a couple of times.

On the way there, we discovered sideling Hill that just like cross the border in Maryland. This hill got its unique features because civil engineers back in the 18th century thought it would be a good idea to try and blast drill a hole through a large mountain. This didn't work, and instead, resulted in a bifurcated Mountain with a path going through it. So naturally, we stopped to use the bathroom and admire the sights.

A few views of the hillside.
The highest point in PA itself is 3212 ft tall, in the surrounding area in the mountain itself or settled by coal miners. Back in the 1700s, there wasn't much to go off of, but they did name it after an individual who did a lot for the natural ecosystem. By this point in time, we have learned to gauge the difficulty of a trail ahead of us the fitness level of people that were coming back from the trailhead. In this case, there were surprisingly a large amounts of overweight individuals. Then, we saw that the trailer was one that you could drive right up to and get out and walk up a staircase to get a better view. So that's exactly what we did. After snapping a few pictures from the ground and the different Museum items that were left on the Rocks there, we went to the top of the tower to take some photos.

I forgot to take a picture of the view. It was boring, anyhow.
With this being my first high point, I can admit in retrospect that it actually wasn't all that enticing with the views. It was mostly just trees followed by more trees. However, I did feel a sense of omnipotence, realizing how small I was staring out amongst the trees. To think that all their lives are especially important to themselves just as my own is, but I am one me, and there were thousands of trees in this Forest. Most of them as well we're taller than me, and many being so tall that I had to bend my neck upwards.

And just like that, I climbed my first state high point. It's nothing I really ever saw myself doing, until one of my friends gave me the motivational soapbox and encouraged me to go and see the world. So now, I finally had another very good reason to keep going, too. Needless to say, I doubt that I will ever get to all 50 of them, especially considering how difficult Denali of a hike is. However, this doesn't mean that I won't try. If you have the urge or desire to, please join me in your high-pointing adventure and let me know how it turns out for you.

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