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Monday, September 10, 2018

A Voice in the Choir

Singing in choir has always been near and dear to my heart. I have sang in choir since I was in the 8th grade of my primary education. I was initially too nervous to join flyer, but then quickly became a confident soloist our select ensemble. what is quite nice to know is that even if you do not have the best singing voice, you will still be able to contribute to they overall warm tones of a choir.

Singing in a choir took me literally across the world. I have performed in Time Square, in various churches throughout Pennsylvania and Maryland, at cultural festivals, at LGBT festivals, and in several Cathedrals and a festival in Ireland. All because I realize that I have the ability to boost the bottom of the choir with my bass voice. If it weren't for singing, and music that lifts the soul, I would not have met even half of the amazing people that I have throughout my lifetime.

what is even more incredible is finding a Nish of people that you can buy with. If you appreciate music to any capacity, then choir will be well for you. You don't need to find a College Choir where professional choir, you can start small, like at a church choir. I introduced quite a few songs and conducted a few songs of my church choir, and it is always a gift. a common interest in music binds us all together, regardless of religious or political affiliation, or who we love, or who we are. Music is the language that transcends language.

Of course, there are several different voice Parts in choir. There is a lot of flexibility as well, because every voice is unique. For instance, I have a baritone range, but because I have a very rich low-end, I often sang base 1 and base 2 and select ensembles because of the depth that I can provide. My friend, also baritone, has a glassier voice, so he sometimes jumps in on Tanner Park. I know many Sopranos that sing really high or really low. By the way around, your unique talents can contribute to the overall sound of a choir.

So even if you have the slightest a bit of talent for singing, or barely any at all even, you should consider joining a choir. There is nothing quite as remarkable as a vocal swell and 1/8 part split. You never know where your music will take you.

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