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Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Why I Get Up Every Morning

Why I get up every morning

For any of you that have come to know me through personal experiences or my writing, you will understand my multiple pathways of intelligence. I I'm good at psychology, and psychologists have studied positivity extensively. Individuals who identify a list of 10 reasons why they get up every morning, and go so far as to write it down next to their alarm clock, are more likely to live a happier and healthier life, as well as improve their life span expectancy.

This one is incredibly important for me to remember, as mental illness runs in my family, and I unfortunately am no exception. This tends to shorten one's life span, and so, you start to really focus on the quality of the years in your life rather than the number of years. and so, here is my list of 10 reasons why I get up in the morning, whether it will keep me alive longer or not.

1) A strong cup of coffee.

There are so many different ways to enjoy caffeine nowadays, and my obsession with a good bean started during my freshman year of college. I had an 8 a.m. chemistry lab it lasted 2 hours, twice a week, and this is when I decided that if I couldn't beat it, I would need to try it with caffeine. After all, I am no stark example of a morning dwelling individual. I tried quitting unsuccessfully two or three times since then. I now officially have no intentions on stopping the caffeine intake, whether it is via Keurig or via Small Town Coffee Shop.

2) The urge to explore.

Being a full-time student and employee doesn't leave much time or room for travel, but whenever I get even a small bit of chance to do so, I like to go see and do things. I like to experience things that not everybody has the Gusto to go and experience. This desire to do generally-speaking odd stuff has lead me to riding camels in the Sahara, walking on ice outside a cruise ship in the North Pole, herding sheep in Northern Sweden, Hiking in Finland, drinking with locals in Denmark, getting almost manslaughtered by fireworks in Iceland, getting lost in Belgium, and getting rained on in Portugal (just to name a few random excursions).

3) The search for purpose and meaning.

In my unique faith, Unitarian Universalism, we are always searching for the truth purpose and meaning behind everything. No day is unexceptional in this regard, as I am always trying to look deeply into things around me. As one psychoanalyst had said, "we see the same sites every single day, but we don't often stop to actually see exactly what they are and why they are". I have to learn this, and so I have started making more and more active attempts to understand my internal and external world. 

4) Music.

Before I was a healthcare professional, before I was a writer and author, and before I was a traveler and a hiker, I was a musician. If it weren't for music, I wouldn't be here today, quite literally. I had rough teenage years, and the sweet sounds of rock and roll literally are what got me through it. The prospect of making more music with my band or solo project is one thing that always gets me going in the morning.

5) A sense of adventure.

This is much, much easier today when I'm out on a hike or a trip, but even so, it can still sometimes be difficult to get uncovered and get dressed and ready for the day. My spark of invention and constant pursuit of adventure really drive me to get out of bed and see what the world has to offer me each and every day.

6) The pursuit of happiness and knowledge.

Interestingly and ironically enough, learning new things makes me happy. And being happy makes me want to learn new things. It may seem like a vicious cycle, but if both are kept in check, and I always have a project to learn from grow from, I am pretty well kept.

7) People.

Interesting enough, I am more introverted than not, but that doesn't mean that I don't enjoy socializing. In fact, I rather love and enjoy meeting new people, learning new things about my fellow humans, and seeing my friends. I actually get kind of bummed out when this doesn't happen.

8) Food.

I love a good plate of food. Food really keeps me going, in more ways than one, and thanks to the magic that is breakfast, I have a literal reason to get up every morning. you'll find some recipes coming from me here and there, so stay tuned.

9) Newton's first law.

His first law states that an object in motion must remain in motion, while an object at rest must stay at rest. I like to constantly stay in motion, experiencing and witnessing and doing different things. Thanks for this, I am able to get out of bed every morning and see what stone has been left unturned and what is left to conquer.

10) Fresh air.

It may seem silly, but I really like waking up and getting some fresh air outside. There's something about the ambient atmosphere of nature it fills me with such vigor and intention. Plus, a little bit of vitamin C never hurt anybody.

The list could go on and on, but for now, the basic 10 reasons will do. No matter how metaphorical or butter or the reasons maybe, everybody has a reason to get out of bed in the morning. Mental health really is no joking matter, and as such, I'll be publishing some selected works of mine throughout the next few years, and one such title has been published here.

There is always light present for everyone; they just need help finding it sometimes. What are your 10 reasons?

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